
Monday, September 3, 2012

Laika's things: Youji and Me crib

My ever generous family promised to sponsor our baby's crib. I was tasked to look for reviews for great cribs. We wanted something wooden (we do not want pack-and-plays as we want the crib to last a long while), something painted in light color, and something that is beautiful. Another consideration was that it should not have drop side (per US standards as there have been reports of babies getting stuck between these movable contraptions in the past).

Originally, we wanted the Youji and Me Cuddlebug Newport 3in1 Convertible Crib

photo from Youji and Me facebook page

But Ate insisted on buying the higher end one. So we ended up with the Youji and Me Cuddlebig Riverside 4in1 Convertible Crib

photo from Youji and Me facebook page

I was 38 weeks pregnant already when they bought it but boy-oh-boy, my mother and siblings did not disappoint! It was MASSIVE! It won't fit our sedan so they had to use the family van. We have also tried the ultimate test--Saud climbed up the crib :) And it was strong enough!

This is how it looked when we still haven't bought the mattress.
crappy photo care of the iPod touch
Doesn't it look pretty beside our red chair?And here it is after we prettified it.

photo care of my sister Minah's facebook page
Crib set (can't remember the price) and mattress from Landmark (P350)
We wanted to buy the mattress from Youji and Me but they are selling one for P4000++. We browsed my favorite department store, Landmark Trinoma, and saw something thinner and cheaper for a fraction of the price. SOLD!

39 weeks and 1 day today. Will Laika be making her appearance on September 4?

Edit: I noticed that many people get to my blog by searching for a review on Cuddlebug cribs. I would like to report that my daughter, who is 20-weeks old now, still loves this crib. She sleeps soundly at night, uses the crib as her playpen in the morning, and even practices standing up whenever she feels like it.

Like so.

She loves it that she has her own place to play on and the handrails are sturdy enough to support her six-kilo-weight. It just worries me that her hands and feet might get stuck between the rails at night and she might have difficulty getting it out. We will buy teeth guard and bumpers in the future but for now, the crib is okay in itself.