
Monday, April 8, 2013

WAHMderful Life Workshop: Real Ways to be a WAHM (The Rerun)

It has been four months since I haven't had a full-time job (yes, I did count). Do I regret my decision? Not in the least. Am I bored at home? At times, I admit. Am I enjoying being a work-at-home mom? SUPER!

I cannot count the number of times that I have said that I am thankful for having been given an opportunity to work from my favorite space (no, it's not the mall, although who's stopping me from working there?). The first time I heard of the term WAHM (work-at-home mom) was through Martine's blog. I was just doing my usual blog-hopping when I was pregnant when I landed on her blog. I have to say, her posts prompted me to look for other working options. So since I was pregnant, I have been working at the university in the morning and working online at night. You can just imagine the stress Laika and I were getting from that! Luckily, we're pass that stage and I have since resigned from my job.

I have to say, I had a difficult time looking for writing gigs at the beginning. And then I heard that  the Manila WAHM's group is going to be holding a workshop for WAHMs and WAHMs-to-be that October. I wanted to join but then I thought I would have a one-month old by then. And then, they had another run that I was able to attend. I have to say I learned a lot and met women who have been inspiring me through my journey. And now, I want to invite YOU to attend the rerun of the WAHMderful Like Workshop.

From the WAHMderful Life website:

The WAHMderful Life Workshop is the ONLY workshop for women who want to work from home while making a home. An original Dainty Mom event, this workshop features a series of interactive workshops geared towards the encouragement and empowerment of women who are working from home or would like to do so.

Our primary audience comprises stay at home moms, moms who want to start a home-based business, moms interested in working from home whether as freelance professionals, telecommuters, or entrepreneurs.
If you’re working, already a WAHM, or are thinking about becoming a work-at-home parent, the WAHMderful Life Workshop is here to help you make that possible.

This rerun of the workshop that I attended will be this Saturday, April 13, 2012. Please click this link for more information and to register.